
25 November 2005

Alito and CAP.

One more reason to oppose Judge Alito, who is George W. Bush's nominee to replace Justice O'Connor on the United States Supreme Court is that he was a member of Concerned Alumni of Princeton (formed the year he graduated in 1972) and bragged about it in an 1985 resume. What kind of organization was this?

In a 1973 article in Prospect, a magazine CAP published, Shelby Cullom Davis, one of its founders, harked back to the days when a gathering of Princeton alumni consisted of "a body of men, relatively homogeneous in interests and backgrounds." Lamented Cullom Davis: "I cannot envisage a similar happening in the future with an undergraduate student population of approximately 40% women and minorities, such as the Administration has proposed." Another article published that same year bemoaned the fact that "the makeup of the Princeton student body has changed drastically for the worse" in recent years--Princeton had begun admitting women in 1969--and wondered aloud what might happen if the university adopted a "sex-blind" policy "removing limits on the number of women." In an unsuccessful effort to forestall this frightening development, the executive committee of CAP published a statement in December 1973 that affirmed unequivocally, "Concerned Alumni of Princeton opposes adoption of a sex-blind admission policy."

Judge Alito is an immoral man who does not belong on the United States Supreme Court.

Hat tip to T. Rex's Guide to Life (who also notes on the continuing topic of the sea change in politics in the United States right now that "Democrats now have a ten-seat advantage over Republicans for state legislative seats nationally controlling 3,662 state legislative seats to 3,652 for Republicans.").

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