
02 November 2005

Referendum D

The Denver Post (528,947 to 537,375 with 2,991 out of 3,098 precints counted) and Rocky Mountain News (529,293 to 543,521 with 3145 out of 3219 precints counted), now appear to concur that Referendum D has lost by more than the 0.5% margin needed to trigger a recount, although their numbers are not quite identical. Also, both have come considerably closer to complete results. Given known discrepencies between election officials in Denver and El Paso Counties and the Post over the number of precincts in the county, and a number of other errors made throughout the evening by the Post, I'm inclined to guess that the Rocky is closer to the mark, althought the differences are not huge.

At any rate, while I was in the minority at the Colorado Pols office pool in predicting a win on Referendum C, others came closer to guessing the number of votes that would be cast for the measure. I was unduly optimistic. Oh well.

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