
31 December 2005

Little Landmarks

Both of my kids have bikes now, and today, a New Year's Eve with sixty degree weather was the perfect occassion for going up and down the sidewalk on them. While both crashed about two or three times a block, today was a little landmark . . . a first real ride without training wheels, right before my eyes! (My daughter, a fashionista from birth, it seems, insisted on doing her bike riding in an ankle length black skirt, hand knit shawl, and glittery top.)

Today was also a day to enjoy the open swim at the reopened swimming pool at the Washington Park Recreation center, which, inexplicably tends to be less crowded in the winter than in the summer (except for the lap swim rush after New Year's Resolutions kick in). A year ago, the pool brought grimaces and concern. This year was all smiles. Sometimes, you just have to strike while the iron is hot.

Alas, growing up comes with downsides too. My wife and I can no longer count on using the technique of spelling words out letter by letter to converse in secret!

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