
22 March 2006

Low Profile Democratic Candidates.

There are actually two candidates running for the Democratic ticket in the Colorado Attorney General's race against Republican John Suthers. One is Fern O'Brien, who is the party's favorite, and the other is Robert Leland Johnson (one of the oldest members of the bar at attorney registration number 564), who apparently runs a solo practice and hasn't issued a press release announcing his candidacy.

Another candidate whom I had never heard of, but is apparently seeking the Democratic nomination for Governor in Colorado, other than Bill Ritter, is Samuel Bridges (unless he is really Rutt Bridges, but I don't believe that he is the same person).

And, in addition to much better known Colorado State Treasurer candidate, Cary Kennedy, a fellow by the name of John Turner appears to be running for that office on the Democratic party ticket.

Realistically, none of these lesser known candidates have a prayer of being elected, and have only a very dim chance of even making it onto the ballot at all, as one of the key aspects of getting elected is being well known, and it is late in the game for no one to have even heard of you, when ballot qualification deadlines are only a couple of months away.


  1. FYI - John Turner dropped out of the Treasurer's race in January. See this post to DemNotes:

    With that in mind, and looking at the filing date, I'd bet that Samuel Bridges IS Rutt Bridges, especially when you look at the committee information. The committee had 122k on hand at the end of the reporting period in July 05, and then dropped off.

    So of the three you mention, only Robert Johnson is a current candidate.

  2. Thanks for the insight. It is so hard to get the straight story on these things from official sources.
