
09 June 2006

Bad Guys Review, Part One

Every once and a while I dip my toe into the conservative political blogosphere just to see what's up. Today I checked out Little Green Footballs. What's there? In short, all anti-Islamic posts, all the time.

Indeed, it is facinating the watch the wheels turn. Muslims are bad. Iraq is succeeding. Muslims are bad. Unless they've been transformed into good guys by U.S. successes. Muslims are sending the world to hell in a handbasket, but our government respects their religion. And, on and on and on. Interspersed are "U.N. sucks" posts, but they seem to be intertwined with the fact that the U.N. is an institution where Muslim nations have some influence.

Initial hypothesis: The conservative blogosphere has bought into the Iraq War and War on Terrorism (ooops, "the Long War"), hook, line and sinker, and won't retreat ever, no matter what happens.

Of course, this is only a first impression.


  1. i'm not sure lgf is even conservative, in any principled way or sense of the word - i don't even know if they conceive of a war on terror in an abstract sense: the violence and racism that posters revel in there is really just this side of the nazi web sites like stormfront.

  2. you have to be kidding-the comments at daily kos and du reveal hatred and racism lgf can only dream about...., pot meet kettle....

  3. yes, you're right. i'm totally kidding! lol!!1111!

  4. anonymous, perhaps you would give us some links. As a regular at Daily Kos, I don't reguarly see anything of the kind. I'm not sure what you mean by "du", do you mean Denver University? I wouldn't know, have never attended the school.
