
03 October 2006

Shameless Republicans Again (PA-10; CO-4)

Pennsylvania Republican Don Sherwood [PA-10] is 64, married and the father of three daughters.

But last year, Cynthia Ore, 29, sued Sherwood. It seems Sherwood had been keeping her as his Washington mistress. Ms. Ore says that Sherwood "repeatedly struck her in the face, neck, chest and back, ‘violently yanking’ her hair and repeatedly tried to choke or strangle her. Afterward he would tell her he would never beat her again, then beg her not to leave him."

"After news accounts of the incident and police report were published, Mr. Sherwood issued a statement apologizing for the ‘pain and embarrassment’ he caused his supporters and family. He has declined to talk in detail about his relationship with Ms. Ore."

Eventually, Sherwood made a confidential financial settlement with Ms. Ore, thus keeping the case from being aired in a courtroom. He admitted to the adulterous affair with a woman half his age, but denied that he physically abused her.

Now, he is behind in his race in a normally "safe Republican" seat, so Hastert, Boehner, Bush and Cheney are going to bat for him to try and keep the district in the GOP column. They are all holding fundraisers for him and endorsing his "leadership."

Via Buzzflash.

Demomcrat Chris Carney is opposing Republican Don Sherwood. A Saturday press release from his campaign said:

Chris Carney’s campaign today called on Don Sherwood to immediately cancel his upcoming fundraisers with House Speaker Dennis Hastert and Majority Leader John Boehner, in light of reports that both Republican leaders knew about Congressman Mark Foley’s cyber-molestation of young boys and did nothing about it.

Here is a recent poll result from the race:

The poll of 402 registered voters in the 10th Congressional District, taken Aug. 21-23 showed Sherwood with 46 percent, Carney with 42 and the rest undecided. The margin of error is 4.9 percent.

Another poll just a little latter, showed Carney with the lead in the race:

RT Strategies/Constituent Dynamics, Aug. 27-29, 2006
Chris Carney: 50%
Don Sherwood: 43%
Sample Size = 1008 — MOE 3.1%
Partisan ID: 54% Republican, 32% Democrat

UPDATE: A new poll was released today in the PA-10 race:

Lycoming College. 9/24-28. Likely voters. MoE 3.5%
Sherwood (R) 38
Carney (D) 47

Of course, the only poll that really matters is in November.

You can contribute to Carney's campaign here.

Musgrave Is Even More Corrupt

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington rates Marilyn Musgrave, in Colorado, even more corrupt than Sherwood. She was in the top 20 list, he was one of the five who just missed making the list.

Two members have been removed from last year's list of 13. Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-CA) is now serving an eight-year jail term for bribery and Rep. Bob Ney (news, bio, voting record) (R-OH) has agreed to plead guilty to crimes that will likely result in a minimum two-year prison term.

Musgrave was also on CREW's list of thirteen last year.

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