
15 December 2006

Love Thy Neighbor

I very rarely endorse charitable gifts to churches. But, while I've broken with Christianity, I haven't ceased to believe that everyone has a moral obligation to love their neighbor. And, there are times, such as this one, when a church is in a better position to help and be trusted to do the right thing, than anyone else. This is such a time.

Hundreds of families in Greeley have lost a breadwinner who worked at the SWIFT plant that was raided by immigration officials on Tuesday. They need help, government is not a suitable way to provide that help in this case, and no institution is better situated to provide it than the local Catholic church.

How you can support these families?

Please make a donation payable to: “Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church” with “fund for families affected by ICE” in the memo-line.

Mail your donation to: Our Lady of Peace; Att: Rev. Bernard Schmitz; 1311 Third Street Greeley, CO 80631.

Thank you for loving your neighbor.

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