
19 February 2007

Happy Engineer's Week!

It's Engineer's Week once again. This is far more important than Mardis Gras (which is tomorrow), or Ash Wednesday (this week).

While your Mardis Gras hangover may indeed make you feel the need to put Ashes on your head, let's face it. What has contributed more to your life?

Your stereo, created by engineers, or Mardi Gras beads? Mardi Gras beads are fricking dangerous. I had a client once who slipped on some and suffered a serious injury. I have never had a client slip and fall on a stereo. QED (or not).

Seriously though, there are several things you need to do for engineer's week.

1. Eat cherry pie. This is the single most important thing.

2. Admire the way engineers have made our life better.

3. Be nice to your favorite engineer (ideally after wiping your hands and face from having consumed said cherry pie).

Have a good week!

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