
12 March 2007

Posting Pace and Software Matters

I'll take a moment note that I have, since December, cut my overall blog posting pace from about six posts a day at my prolonged peak (at all the places I write) to more than one but less than one and a half posts a day, a reduction of 75% plus in my posting frequency.

It is frustrating to see good posting topics slide by without comment -- particularly those that concern issues I've been following for some time like new disease cures, military procurement developments, tax law changes, or state politics. But, from a quality of life perspective, it has returned blogging for me to being a soothing near daily discipline, as opposed to a frantic rush to find all the news that's fit to print. Some people do 6 a.m. communion services most mornings; I start my day with a blog post and a medium mocha when I can.

Also, please note that I don't always publish final drafts. While I don't generally pull an entire post after I've put it up, I will frequently edit posts for form and substance for as much as an hour or two after I put them up, and will frequently edit for form and accuracy even later if an old post attracts notice elsewhere, without noting that I've done so. Major new content added more than a few hours after the original posting, I will generally note with "Update" language or something to that effect.


While I'm in a meta mood, I'll also note that my Xtreme tracking blog use monitor, which somehow got erased and disrupted when I transitioned to New Blogger (which incidentally solves almost all of the gripes I previously had about the platform and did so relatively painlessly), has now been replaced by industry standard "Site Meter," which honestly, I don't love as I was attached to some of the reports Xtreme tracking provided (and yes, I know, I could have both, which would be way too much information). But, Site Metere has the virtue of being consistent with what other people (like Colorado Confidential) use, if I ever need to report site traffic to anyone else.

I've also made some tweaks to the blogroll and learned how to do it on New Blogger. One of my missions for the next month or so, if I choose to accept it, is to check the blogroll for bad links, delete those that are no longer favorites, and to add a few new ones. Another even more ambitious pie in the sky goal, is to go back and tag a lot of Old Blogger posts, so tag searches would be more useful.

Business is booming here at the law office, so my more ambitious projects, like adventures in Linux, are still some way off. I've heard good things about MS Office 2007 and bad things about Windows Vista, but those are also issues too grand to take on right now. I also have this big, supposedly wonderful program in the law office called Time Matters, that the firm bought months ago, and no one has slowed down enough to actually figure out, which is higher up on the priority list, as is setting up a few more rules to automatically transfer incoming e-mails to their proper folders in Outlook.

Hotmail has been behaving badly latestly, for reasons I'm not at all sure of (posts moved from the inbox don't seem to stay moved and have seemingly random impacts once moved on what remains on the screen). This has sucked up far too much of my time with no long term results.

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