
27 July 2007

Denver Scam Alert

Via Denver City Councilwoman Marcia Johnson's e-mail list:

*Community Alert*

Registered sex offender mini-flyer being distributed in Denver neighborhoods

Denver sex offender lists are public and available free of charge.

Neighborhood flyers being distributed ask you to go to a website where they ask you for your email address and your residence zip code. The company asks for your credit card information and offers to sell to you the free list for $4.95/month but then they also may be selling your email address to companies.

Please help by informing your neighbors.

I got one myself and promptly ignored it.


  1. Wash Park Prophet,

    Thank you for posting Councilwoman Marcia Johnson's community notification. We have received many calls of concern regarding the sex offender flyers. Your website helps inform and Councilwoman Johnson thanks you for assisting in notifying Denver residents.

    Lynn Pressnall
    Aide to Councilwoman Johnson

  2. Reminds me a little of the novel/movie Little Children. A bit over the top, don't ya think?

    (P.S. Great blog. If you ever need great local content for it, go to = 100% free!)
