
18 October 2007

Nutty District 5 School Board Race

I'm glad I don't have to vote in the District 5 School Board race for DPS. The teacher's union is on crack in this race and the "establishment" candidate in the race is also looking fishy.

Denver’s teacher’s union endorsed Ray Gutierrez for the seat, picking a 21-year old who didn’t complete high school over three other more experienced candidates. . . .

Jose Silva [said] . . . “I was flabbergasted by the decision to endorse 21 year-old who has a GED and is a grocery store clerk. (DCTA) is looking for a puppet[.]"

Then the campaign of Arturo Jimenez sent out a widely disseminated email claiming that Jimenez was endorsed by North High principal JoAnn Trujillo Hays and Lake Middle School principal Hans Kayser. Neither claim turned out to be true.

From the North Denver News via Colorado Pols.

Candidate Jose Silva has had no such obvious gaffs, nor does Tony Curcio, who is also running. Click the link to read about them.

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