
01 November 2007

Many Votes In

The 2007 election in Denver is a mail in election. Lots of ballots are in, although the official numbers as of close of business on Halloween, are rather cryptic. I am posting them below in a different order that seems to make more sense:

Ballots Mailed/Issued 210,166 =
Undeliverable Ballots 18,000 (approx.)+
Ballots Returned 46,000 (approx.)+
Ballots Yet to be returned 148,000 (approx.)

Ballots Returned 46,000 (approx.)=
Completed Ballots (Ready to be Counted) 36,812+
Ballots returned without a signature 129
Ballots Returned to Drop-Off Locations 8,688 (as of 10/30/07)

Completed Ballots (Ready to be Counted) 36,812 =
Ballots Counted (Not tallied) 23,000 +
Ballots Not Yet Counted 14,000 (approx.) [inferred]

Percentage Turnout to Date 22.4% (approx.) = (Ballots Returned)/(Ballots Mailed/Issued).

Turnout in a mail in school board election is typically in the 40s percentagewise, so a little more than half of the expected turnout is in, with the balance expected on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday.

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