
09 June 2008

Prepare To Die!

Nineteenth Century Tarot Card

Or suffer a horrible mishap that leaves you unconscious, or subjects you to immense liability that destroys your nest egg.

This advertisement is a friendly public service announcement brought to you by your friendly neighborhood estate planner and asset protection counselor. Same sex couples, childless individuals and couples, and other non-traditional families are welcome and indeed, need planning even more than the average family. I also prepare pre-nuptial agreements. Call me and schedule an appointment. I'm in the book.

Seriously, there is no time like the present. Your orphaned children will be forever thankful that you took the time to respect them by being prepared. Good planning can reduce confusion and litigation, insure that your children have proper guardians, put your wealth is in good hands and in the hands of the people you want to receive it, reduce the taxes and administration fees due at your death, and prevent creditors from receiving an unnecessarily high amount of your assets at your death (or during you life).

A good estate plan gives you much of the same peace of mind benefits as insurance, but you don't have to pay a premium every single year, although reviews to make sure you plan is current are a good idea every now and then.

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