
21 October 2008

Thirteen days.

I am ready for this election season to end soon. There has to be some middle ground between the twenty-two months of an American national political campaign, and the six weeks of a Canadian one.


  1. I am ready for inauguration -- to eliminate the uncertainty as to whether Bush will actually relinquish the presidency.

  2. yes, this thing's been like those rotten 'nightmare on elm street' sequels...and what's worse is that people can't seem to stop tuning in.

    on a related note, many thanks for yr extended posts on ballot issues. i've been directing friends and classmates to yr site for all that...

  3. The cure for both would be a TRUE civilization and on that count....we'ins is ALL outta luck.

    Stay on groovin' safari,

  4. Oh, I don't know - after this past election cycle, 6 weeks is looking pretty good. Slightly longer might be nice, but certainly no longer than a year.

  5. Oh Andrew, you ARE an optimist, I'm starting to see articles about the 2012 campaign starring Sarah Palin -- someone please make it stop!

    OTOH, I dropped off the household's two mail-in ballots at the Wellington Webb building yesterday. A good feeling.

  6. The 2012 campaign forecast is a joke.
    Barack will win 2008.
    That means (unless he fucks up badly) that we won't have a real contest until 2016.
    The 2016 campaign will begin on November 6th (one day off for everyone).
    Eight-year campaign. You heard it here first.

  7. At this point, it's hard to imagine a time before the campaign. When it's over, it's going to feel like a pet has died. A really annoying, not house-trained pet.
