
12 March 2009

Same Lawyer, New Shingle

It was nice to have my name on the door as a partner with the law firm of McGihon & Oh-Willeke, LLC. But, life takes funny turns, often for the better. I am now practicing law with hundreds of my closest friends at the law firm of Akerman Senterfitt, where I am "Of Counsel" as part of the firm's Denver offices.

For now, physically, I am practicing at the same address (a beautiful converted turn of the century mansion in Denver's Capital Hill neighborhood), one floor above my previous office, and my telephone number will be the same, although I will have a new professional e-mail address (for personal e-mail and communications regarding this blog, you can continue to contact me at an e-mail address that is my last name without punctuation at hotmail dot com). My practice will shift a little, but I will continue to work with many of the clients I've enjoyed serving for years, and look forward to being able to better serve some of them with the resources that a large firm can provide.

Some rituals will be new, like a conflict of interests update the size of a small newspaper to read each morning (something that took just a sentence of two on the telephone or in person every couple of days in my MOW days), while others, like doing quality legal work and accounting for every moment of the day in a time sheet, are eternal.

Also, while it is always there and always has been, to reiterate, read the disclaimer in the sidebar. It still applies, but more so, especially, the part about the gremlins. For some reason, even large law firms do not provide copy editing for personal blogs as a perk. Go figure.


  1. wow, you partnership with Anne didn't last very long. Why such turnover?

  2. Anne and I still practice together at Akerman, at the same office, working together on the same cases. Essentially, our entire old law firm has merged with Akerman Senterfitt to become a branch office, although that is not the precise structure of the transaction, which is instead structured as a transfer of substantially all assets and personnel, rather than as an ownership interest purchase.

  3. I hope you are making more money.
    I hope you keep buying more Macs.

  4. congrats Andrew!! one of these days we'll have coffee - one of these days!!

  5. With the state of the journalism profession these days, you may need something stronger, fish. Whiskey fifths maybe?
