
16 June 2009

Tags At Wash Park Prophet

I don't know how to do "word clouds" of popular topics at this blog, but I can do old fashion tag frequency. The tags used five or more times at this blog are as follows (and keep in mind that his is for about half of the blog's existence; old posts are mostly untagged):

Abortion (11)
Academia (9)
Afghanistan (6)
Agriculture (7)
Amendment 41 (5)
Arbitration (9)
attorneys (9)
Automobile Industry (62)
bad business management (22)
Bad cops (16)
Bad judges (20)
Bad Lawyers (41)
Bad politicians (10)
Bankruptcy (20)
Big ideas (9)
biodiversity (10)
blogs (26)
Bureaucracy (19)
Bush Administration (19)
China (5)
Civil Liberties (17)
Civil Procedure (36)
Coffee (9)
Colorado (14)
Colorado Court of Appeals (10)
Colorado Democrats (5)
Colorado General Assembly (17)
Colorado Politics (161)
Colorado Sentencing Reform (6)
Colorado Supreme Court (7)
Colorado Tax Policy (5)
comics (28)
Comparative Law (11)
Computers (5)
Consumer Protection (8)
Contract Law (5)
Corporations (18)
Corruption (16)
Courts (33)
Crime (64)
Criminal Justice (162)
culture (112)
Death Penalty (26)
Demographic Change (19)
Denver (22)
Denver Municipal Election (33)
Denver Neighborhoods (24)
Denver Public Schools (9)
Denver Public Schools Election (15)
Detroit (13)
Divorce (10)
dogs (5)
drug war (12)
ecology (15)
Economic Development (26)
Economics (202)
Education (45)
Election Law (9)
Empirical legal studies (8)
Enemy Combatants (8)
Energy (19)
Environment (32)
Evolution (5)
Federal Elections 2008 (113)
Federalism (22)
Feminism (11)
Financial Crisis (129)
Foreign Affairs (34)
Freedom of Speech (9)
Gay Rights (20)
genetics (20) )
geography (6)
George W. Bush (14)
Global Warming (5)
Governmental Immunity (6)
Guantanamo Bay (7)
Gun Control (21)
Habeas Corpus (8)
Health Care (24)
Higher Education (31)
History (63)
Human Rights (14)
Humor (33)
Immigration (11)
Immigration law (10)
Income taxes (13)
Infill (5)
intellectual history (8)
Intellectual Property (38)
Intelligence (5)
International Taxation (6)
Internet Law (8)
IQ (7)
Iran (6)
Iraq (32)
Japan (5)
Jose Padilla (8)
Judges (9)
Jury Trials (5)
Juvenile Justice (7)
Law (21)
Law Reform (14)
Legal Education (6)
Legal Theory (8)
Local Color (40)
Local Government (20)
Local Politics (15)
Local Taxes (5)
Marriage (17)
Mathematics (12)
Media (81)
Medicine (25)
Mental Health (46)
Meta (58)
Military (193)
Military Commissions Act (33)
military justice (16)
Neuroscience (5)
Obama (7)
Parenting (27)
Patent Law (6)
personal reflections (74)
Philosophy (8)
Physics (7)
Political Identity (31)
Political Tactics (26)
Political Theory (50)
Predictions (6)
private law (52)
Psychology (18)
Psychopathy (6)
public finance (12)
Public Health (49)
Public Law (23)
Public Safety (6)
Quotes (9)
Race (8)
Racism (26)
Rants (11)
Religion (88)
Renewable Energy (7)
Republicans (27)
Science (125)
SEC (16)
self-promotion (6)
Sentencing (10)
Social Security (5)
Social Structure (7)
sports (11)
State Budget (10)
Tax (31)
Tax fraud (8)
Tax Gap (8)
Tax Reform (21)
Technology (53)
Texas (36)
Tort Reform (8)
Torts (5)
Torture (5)
Transgender Issues (12)
Transit (9)
TSA (8)
U.S. Supreme Court (9)
Unions (14)
Urban Planning (7)
War on Science (16)
War On Terrorism (17)
water (8)
Weird News (8)
Zoning (5)

1 comment:

  1. Even if blogger doesn't support word cloud creation, you can always make your own wordle and save and post it to your blog.

    Searching for blogger word cloud might bring another method. Word clouds are just prettier (and instantly interpreted).
