
31 July 2009

Building Bridges With Booze

Who has what "might be the city’s best margarita"?

Sushi Den!

Patrick Doyle's review is at 5280 magazine's blog.

Sushi Den, in Denver's Platt Park neighborhood in the tony, off the beaten path Old South Pearl commercial district, is widely considered the best Sushi restaurant in Denver and flies its fish fresh in from Japan every day.

Sushi Den's addition of the margarita to its official drink list (it was an off menu choice until now), isn't the only way that ethanol is being used to bridge ethnic divides these days. In what will be recorded by historians as a signature Obama move, the President was busy this week healing any harm he might have done with his comments to race relations in Cambridge by bringing the parties to a high profile police run involving a famous African-American professor at Harvard to his place for beer.

It is time to get the CIA hard at work determined the favorite drinks of Kim Jong Un, the twenty-six year old youngest son and likely successor to North Korea's current supreme leader who is at grave risk of dying from pancreatic cancer in the near future. Perhaps they can ask Kenji Fujimoto, a former Japanese sushi chef for the North Korean leader and author of the memoir "I was Kim Jong Il's Cook."

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