
05 August 2009

Hump Day Comic

Are you suffering from midweek blues? Do you need something to look forward to? How about a webcomic worthy of David Lynch (known among other things for cult classic television show Twin Peaks) with a mix of mystery, office comedy, and weirdness?

Kazanato Funeral Planning Service is your fix.

It is not badly drawn, either and is a bit more realistically drawn than a typical manga, but is within that genre of comics.

It could just be me. I've spent most of my working life on the secular side of planning for and dealing with death, through estate planning and elder law. I've had the pleasure of the company of one of the state's most good humored funeral home owners, in Grand Junction, Colorado (his humor belongs in the "you had to be there" context to understand its tame underlying tone of respect, so I won't repeat his words here).

Then again, maybe it isn't just me. You should start reading it and decide for yourself.

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