
27 October 2009

Smash and Grab

Someone smashed my car window and looked inside, only to find nothing of consequence that they wanted. They tossed one item out the window onto the street. It is a big mess and means another trip to Perry & Terry. But, honestly, this third time around, I didn't even get angry. It has become as much as force of nature in urban living just as much as a hail storm.

I'd read that there was a wave of these in Denver, so I'm not surprised it hit home.


  1. That sucks. I also heard that auto break-ins in Denver are up something like 34% over last year. At least they didn't steal your car like they did mine...

  2. Car theft has dropped remarkably in Denver. I hypothesized before that it might be due to the decreased value of cars on the used car market, or due to improved car lock technology.

    Apparently, the people who used to steal cars are now stealing from cars.

  3. Bummer. Not sure where you live but I've lived on the East side of WP for the last 15 years. Periodically, there seems to be a surge in car breakins and perhaps we are having one again. The car breakins I have heard of though are usually a result of something visible and valuable - so somewhat self-inflicted. Yours seems to be no fault of your own. Irritating.
