
04 November 2009

Meet Western Citizen

Yesterday, Wendy Norris launched Western Citizen, a new online magazine featuring investigative reporting and local color. Wendy was a colleague of mine at Colorado Confidential (now known as the Colorado Independent, link in the sidebar). As she describes her new venture:

The aim is to combine investigative reporting with online tools to empower citizens to discover their own opportunities for direct action and to publicly deliberate on finding solutions to community problems. And we'll have some fun too with quirky pieces on life in the Rocky Mountain West (see: Me llamo Dick) and some ass-kicking media criticism (see: Whiskey and Water).

Warning: The first story on the page when I checked out the site today was a glowing review of a 900 page plus biography of President Theodore Roosevelt, and the page was anchored with a prescription drug co-payment bar chart from the Congressional Budget Office. This is serious policy wonk material that Unbossed readers (link in sidebar), and many of my readers, are sure to enjoy. If you want lighter local content, try Westword or 5280 (links in the sidebar).

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