
19 November 2010

IQ Tests Inaccurate For Autistic Kids

Up to 70 percent of autistic children are considered high-functioning, though they have significant social communication challenges. . . . [A study included] 30 high-functioning 9 year olds with autism spectrum disorders. . . . 27 out of the 30 children -- that's 90 percent -- had discrepancies between their IQ score and scores on at least one of the [three] academic achievement tests" [ for word reading, spelling and basic number skills] . . . "Some scored higher and some scored lower than what their IQ score would predict." . . . . 18 of the 30 children tested higher than predicted on at least one of the academic tests. This was especially true for spelling and word reading. Across the three academic tests, 18 of the 30 children scored lower than what their IQs would predict, suggesting a learning disability.

From here.

1 comment:

  1. What some call a learning disability in language, others call a math-oriented learning style. Those with a natural ability in math would benefit from greater phonics, etymology (specifically, word roots), and grammar. Of course, Montessori does all these.
