
08 April 2011

Suthers Indicts Doug Bruce For Failing To File Taxes

Colorado's best known anti-tax activist, Doug Bruce, has been indicted for failing to file taxes by the state attorney general's office. Colorado's attorney general, John Suthers, is a Republican.

If convicted of the charges, Bruce could face up to six years in prison and a $500,000 fine.

Colorado Springs police officers arrested Bruce Friday at a post office in Colorado Springs. He was booked on a $10,000 bond into the El Paso County Jail, where he remains.

It couldn't happen to a more deserving defendant. Some of the evidence regarding his tax fraud was developed in connection with his failure to comply with subpeonas regarding a ballot initiative (taht were ultimately defeated) which he supported in contributions that were not reported on campaign finance form in 2010. He filed a false tax return alleging that he had zero income in 2005 and filed no return despite earning considerable income that was funnelled into a non-profit organization that he used for his personal benefit in 2006 and 2007. The amount of income not reported was in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Doug Bruce is famous for getting TABOR (the taxpayer' bill of rights) into the state constitution, leading to serious problems with the fiscal viability of the State of Colorado during recesions.

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