
16 October 2014

Truth Stranger Than Fiction In Alaska National Guard Scandal

Wonkette's recounting of a sexual harassment, rape and credit card fraud scandal in the Alaska National Guard's recruiting office that implicates the Governor, who is now running for re-election, and numerous senior National Guard officials, reads like a John Irving novel.  It is both wacky and tragic, and is filled with characters so bizarre, it shouldn't be possible for them to exist in the real world.

Consider, for example, a Deputy Chief of Staff of the Alaska National Guard, who was a former pornography company manager and co-founder of an end times religious sect.  During his tour in Iraq, he served as the military advisor to the Mongolian Army.

The Republican Governor promoted him to his current high ranking post at the same time that a confidential report recommended him for a bad conduct discharge (a military equivalent of  serious misdemeanor conviction), for his role in facilitating $200,000 of credit card fraud in the recruiting office he supervised which was also notorious for its rampant pattern of sexual harassment and rape by a core of several recruiters under his command.

But, investigative reporting from the Anchorage Press, a newspaper with documents and sources to back up its allegations, corroborates the story.

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