
31 January 2016

Gene E. Willeke Has Died

My father, Gene E. Willeke, died this morning of natural causes at the age of 81.  A funeral will be held later in the week in Oxford, Ohio.  His first wife, Carol B. Willeke, preceded him in death.  He is survived by his brother, Lowell Willeke, his current wife, Pat Willeke, his two sons, Jon Willeke and I, and three grandchildren.


  1. Sad.
    81 seems young to me now that I am 67.

  2. My dad was actually diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer at 66, but amazingly got treatment a Mayo Clinic, lived another 15 years, outliving my mother who had been in remission from breast cancer at the time by ten years, and died of something other than cancer.
