
04 May 2016

Judge Rules On Ballot Access In GOP U.S. Senate Primary In Colorado - Nobody Sure What It Means

I've posted the trial court's ruling on ballot access appeals filed by Colorado Republican U.S. Senate candidates Robert Blaha and Ryan Frazier after the Colorado Secretary of State ruled that their respective Petitioners didn't have enough valid signatures to make the ballot in the comments at Colorado Pols.

The rulings don't calculate what the rulings do to the candidates' vote totals so it is hard to tell who is and is not on the ballot without doing a detailed reconciliation of the order with the Colorado Secretary of State's statement of insufficiency for each petition.

Apart from a tweet from the Colorado Secretary of State's press secretary, there is no official word yet from that office which must certify a ballot based upon the court's rulings.

Frazier apparently thinks that he is off the ballot and is appealing the ruling.  It isn't entirely clear if Blaha is or is not on ballot based upon the ruling.

Stay tuned.

UPDATE: The Denver Post thinks that the court ruling brought each candidate closer to qualifying for the ballot, but not close enough.

1 comment:

  1. Blaha on as previously expected. ballot certification stayed.
