
03 June 2016

Trump Still Openly Racist And Justice Moore Still Delusional

Trump's comments about a U.S. born, Mexican-American judge presiding over a lawsuit in which his Trump University is credibly accused of fraud, show that he is such a racist that even Paul Ryan, the Republican speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives felt compelled to call him out for it unprompted, just a day after endorsing him.

In other news, Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Moore is on the record as saying that the First Amendment protects only Christians for reasons that are crazy and would earn an automatic "F" on any law school exam.  He was removed from office in 2003 for defying the U.S. Supreme Court, re-elected in 2012, and is currently in the process of being removed from office again for defying the U.S. Supreme Court again.  It is appalling that men live Justice Moore hold any public office or are allowed to remain as members of the bar.


  1. Justice Moore was ultimately suspended for the remainder of his term and is too old to run again.
