
20 December 2016

Western Interstate Highway Electric Car Charging Stations Planned

The governors of Colorado, Utah and Nevada have committed to working together to build a regional electric vehicle charging network that covers more than 2,000 miles of highway across their three states. 
Targeted corridors include Interstates 70, 76 and 25 in Colorado, Interstates 70, 80 and 15 in Utah and Interstates 80 and 15 across Nevada, according to the announcement Monday.

“This initiative recognizes that our states will continue to lead the country in the electric vehicle market,” Gov. John Hickenlooper said in a statement. “Our residents and the millions of visitors to our states will be able to drive electric vehicles from Denver to Salt Lake City to Las Vegas — from the Rockies to the Pacific.” 
In Colorado, there are nearly 8,000 electric vehicles on the road today, up from fewer than 100 in 2011.
From The Denver Post.

Much of the funding will come from the Volkswagon diesel emissions test fraud settlement.

Meanwhile, an increasing share of the electrical grid is being powered by renewable energy, with Las Vegas now 100% renewable energy powered, and great strides are being made in the technology and costs of solar power, wind power and batteries for applications such as electric cars (with Nevada landing Tesla Motors big battery manufacturing plant).

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