
13 June 2017

How Do We Purge Monsters From The Political Class?

The junior senator from Georgia jokingly asked the audience at Friday’s Faith & Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority conference to pray for the death of President Barack Obama on Friday, choosing a chilling passage from Psalms to make his point. 
According to The Daily Beast’s Betsy Woodruff, Republican Senator Frank Perdue jokingly told attendees: “We should pray like Psalm 109:8 says: Let his days be few.” 
Christians well acquainted with Psalms 108, know that it is not just a wish for Obama to be out of office, but a call for vengeance upon a rival.
From here.

Unfortunately, truly monstrous politicians like David Perdue, and outright criminals in public office, are not terribly uncommon.

How do we built a political culture and political institutions that keep the worst of the worst out of public office?

Also, add this to the overflowing file of examples of Christians who have pretty much permanently destroyed the Christian brand by deeply intertwining it with a culture of hate.

White Southern Christian culture is unfortunately pretty much a wasteland of depravity.

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