
03 June 2019

Political debate often doesn't include much communication.

The struggle is real.


  1. Joe Biden is the liberal democrat front runner nominee,

    his #1 priority

    Joe Biden says LGBT+ rights will be his number one priority if he wins 2020 election

    Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has said enshrine LGBT+ protections into the nation’s labour and civil rights law would be his main priority if he wins the White House.

    do you agree that this is the single most important issue for liberal democrats to campaign on?

    personally since Alzheimer's is the only disease in the top 10 killers that has zero effective treatment, I'd say we focus all our medical dollars on that, until there is a drug that can treat it and turn it into a chronic condition.

    If Joe Biden's #1 priority is to find an effective treatment for Alzheimer's he gets my vote, though my mother will probably be dead by the time phase 3 trials are completed.

    expanding medicare to include dental as gingivitis is implicated in Alzheimer's would also be nice.

    Trump on the other hand says it's about the economy, which thus far is doing fine. his trade wars with china and mexico is to create better business environment for american workers.

    Biden wants to target homosexuals, which could run into conflict with religious institutions, such as churches and church schools, Trump targets unfair trade with China and Mexico to better help american workers.

  2. Joe Biden's campaign will collapse by November. Once name recognition advantages fade and Democrats who vote in primaries and caucuses get to know his record better, he will be dropped like a hot potato. He is far too retrograde for today's Democratic party.

    The top issues for Democrats are: (1) getting rid of Trump and his craziness, (2) Medicare for all or other dramatic improvements to health care, (3) more human immigration policies, (4) avoiding new wars, (5) reducing gun violence, (6) ending abuses by bad cops, (7) climate change and environmental protection, (8) undoing pro-corporate, pro-rich tax cuts that create an economic catastrophe, (9) better treatment of vets, (10) better treatment of the homeless and poor, not necessarily in that order.

    Ending a conservative U.S. Supreme Court majority, with court packing if necessary, to protect a wide variety of civil liberties, is also high on the agenda.

    Trump is destroying the U.S. economy with his trade policies. The economy is sliding, although it has taken time for his bad policies to kick in. Farmers have been hit very hard. Wages have been stagnant. Prices are going up.

  3. i think it's entertaining that your post is headline ""Political debate often doesn't include much communication."


    US Economic Outlook for 2019 and Beyond
    Experts Forecast Steady Growth


    economy thus far is doing fine.

    many on the left including the working class have wanted protectionist policies against China's unfair trade policies which resulted in a huge trade deficit, and manufacturing jobs being shipped to China from US.

    "Joe Biden's campaign will collapse by November. Once name recognition advantages fade and Democrats who vote in primaries and caucuses get to know his record better, he will be dropped like a hot potato. He is far too retrograde for today's Democratic party."

    He was VP of Obama, i think he'll be the democratic candidate barring some unforeseen development like Alzheimer's or a stroke.

    "The top issues for Democrats are: (1) getting rid of Trump and his craziness, (2) Medicare for all or other dramatic improvements to health care,"

    i can agree with this. how will this be paid for though, and what will happen to employer insurance, could employers stop offering health care?

    Ending a conservative U.S. Supreme Court majority, with court packing if necessary, to protect a wide variety of civil liberties, is also high on the agenda."

    that's a top priority for a liberal democrat?

    court packing? would you be okay if Trump and GOP should they win 2020 election court packing, by expanding the conservative majority?

    whatever happened with the idea of appointing justices who will interpret the Constitution as written?

    (5) reducing gun violence, (6) ending abuses by bad cops

    how do you plan to reduce (5)

    i know there are bad cops, but there are a lot of bad people who kill and steal to.

    do you own a gun? i'm undecided about it myself, and whether a shot gun or a 9mm pistol is better for home defense. i might accidentally shoot myself or a family member though.

    (8) undoing pro-corporate, pro-rich tax cuts that create an economic catastrophe,

    some attribute the current economic growth to these tax cuts, though i agree this can lead to abuse.
