
07 May 2020

New Colorado General Election Polling

The Presidential Race

The latest Presidential poll in Colorado was Biden 55% and Trump 36%.

The U.S. Senate Race

In the U.S. Senate race, the poll was John Hickenlooper 54% and Cory Gardiner 36% (an 18 percentage point lead for Hickenlooper). 

The poll pointed did not ask about Andrew Romanoff and ask about the upcoming Hickenlooper and Romanoff Democratic Primary for U.S. Senate in a pretty overt effort to boost Hickenlooper, whom the national party has already taken the side of, over Romanoff, even though both men have a very good chance against Gardiner in the general election. 


The poll was by Keating Research, OnSight Public Affairs and Mike Melanson – Democratic firms and a former Hickenlooper campaign staffer – polled 600 Coloradans in an online survey between May 1 and 3, with a margin of error of ±4%. Cross tabs.

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