
20 May 2020

To Do

A lot of my blogging, both here and at Dispatches from Turtle Island, is basically reactive. I see or experience something, or a few related things, and I think to them and react to them. But, I also have subject that I think in passing about discussing or looking into that don't have a specific trigger and that I often never get around to doing. Some are blog management things, and some are potential posts. This post identifies some of them for both blogs combined:

* Make a list of current physics experimental groups and anthropology groups (often known by acronyms or by the name of the principle investigator) with a brief description of them in terms of what the name stands for, where they are physically located, what kind of research they are doing and links to them.

* Expand, at both blogs, my list of links to periodicals (especially trade and academic ones) and to primary sources of data (experiments, polling firms, government agencies). 

* Create an RSS feed or something similar to journals in my areas of interest.

* Create a glossary of somewhat technical terms that I use and reexplain or have to look up when I see them (for each blog).

* Finish tagging old posts at Wash Park Prophet.

* A post on 2020 U.S. Senate races.

* A post on new developments regarding how much gerrymandering there is.

* More thinking about institutional changes that are achievable to improve the quality of U.S. electoral democratic process.

* A post on the desirability of Deep State institutions and how to strengthen them.

* A post on fiat currency, the money supply, modern monetary theory and why it is overrated in importance.

* A summary of policy changes big and small that can address law enforcement misconduct.

* An idea development post on how to fix foster care and how to think about what expectations for it are realistic.

* A post about the inherent limits of public education as an academic achievement leveling tool and exploration of other valuable roles that public education serves or can serve including improving the socialization of young people.

* A post about policies that impact marriage formation and stability and about whether we really do want what it would take to have more marriage formation and more stable marriages, and if so, how badly we want that.

* A post on recent developments in military technology and the sensible design and missions for our military in light of those developments that is more integrative and wide thinking pointing to a fairly comprehensive picture instead of bits and pieces.

* A post on littoral naval issues in choke points that an essay contest is soliciting essays upon, whether or not I submit an essay itself.

* A post on the Church of the East when I finish a book on it that I recently bought.

* A post imagining what physics looks like in a future where my guesses on the future of fundamental physics discoveries pans out.

* A post on what can be used to change the political culture of the U.S. and the political identity of people in it, also discussing the potential shifts in major party coalitions.

* A post explaining my views on the progressive anti-corporate movement and my attitudes towards capitalism, which acknowledge a problem, but also thinks that the movement fails to give credit where credit is due to the benefits of market economies and big businesses.

* A post taking a deep dive into interstate migration and what it says about the nation's future.

* A post on sensible changes to land use law and urban planning and related transportation, energy, environment and public health issues.

* A post on opportunities, trends and the likely future in a post-industrial economy and its structure. Is that term an excuse and euphemism for decline or is it sustainable and inevitable.

* A post on how to achieve a post-neo-feudal economy and why this would be a good thing.

* Posts with more detailed analysis about how to make our economy more robust.

* A post on the spiritual future of the "nones" - what will capture their hearts, minds and souls? Does a vacuum invite some new belief movement to sweep in, and if so, why and driven by what?

* A post on what wider drug legalization would look like and why it would be desirable?

* A post proposing restructuring of mental health care.

* A post on lessons from COVID-19 that can be carried forward once it ceases to be a crisis.

* Update my page on efforts to develop theories to explain the physical constants of the Standard Model.

* A post reviewing the latest developments in dark matter, dark energy and modified gravity in an integrative way that focuses on combined constraints on different theories.

* A page discussing my take on MOND (a toy model modified gravity theory that is well known and predictive despite having obvious and recognized flaws and limitations).

* A post on lessons learned on what not to do from comparative political experience.

* A post on ways to restructure the legal system on the civil side to address its flaws like high cost, delay, and undue emphasis on settlement, and how arbitration is part of the problem and not part of the solution.

* A post reviewing the state of West Asian prehistory.

* A post reviewing the history and prehistory of the Middle East in the BCE era.

* A post on what I've learned about food choices and exercise from

* A post on the medical and biological research progress in understanding COVID-19.

* A post with a tech, economics and environment oriented look at the future of agriculture.

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