
01 October 2021

How Much Do I Drive?

I love my 2015 Juke. But as someone who has a short, intracity commute, even though there is only one driver in the household, I don't use it all that much.

Since I bought it, I've driven almost exactly 18 miles per day (6,570 miles a year). A 10,000 mile per year pace is 27.4 miles per day. A 12,000 mile per year pace, also often used in for warranty limits, is 32.9 miles a day.

A my average gas milage of 26 miles per gallon, and at current gasoline prices, that translates into $885 of gas a year plus two oil changes a year.


  1. Our household has had only 1 car since 2008.
    Our 2007 Audi A3 has 58K miles.
    Current annual rate is under 2K.

    Our next car—in 2022?—will be a BEV.

  2. Don't think I could manage that. My next car might be an EV, but I make enough trips beyond the range of EVs in 2015 that an EV that I could afford (realistically, a Nissan Leaf) didn't work then.

  3. Hum,

    My 2005 Honda S2000 has 62k miles. I think the wife's 2017 Sequoia (four vowels in a row!) has 16k miles, split between vacations and taking the grandkids to martial arts classes (and such). The Sequoia gets crappy gas mileage but it can pull a 25' trailer and is very safe for the passengers. I'm thinking of buying an Prius for the wife this year.

