
25 March 2022

Things I Don't Know

I have quite in depth knowledge about a variety of subjects. But I definitely have blind spots as well. 

This post lists some of the things that I know that I don't have any particular expertise regarding, which is not to say that I know absolutely nothing about these subjects. I'm open to learning many (although not quite all) of these things at some point, but I'm not there yet.

* Human anatomy and physiology (especially outside gross anatomy).

* Exercise

* Physical therapy.

* Participating in any of the following sports: Skiing, snow boarding, water skiing, surfing, skateboarding, football, rugby, cricket, pole vaulting, long distance running, basketball, squash, tennis, badminton, jai alai, hockey, lacrosse, polo, water polo, and golf (other than miniature golf).

* Dancing.

* The current or historical state of major sports teams and athletes.

* Hunting and fishing (although I know how to safely operate a hunting rifle, have moderate familiarity with features, operations and functions of a variety of non-hunting firearms, and can do some very basic fishing pole fishing).

* Plant identification.

* Interacting with dogs and dog care.

* Accurately naming animal breeds (dogs, cats, horses, etc.)

* Accurately naming living fish in a tank or other body of water.

* Intuitively knowing the meaning of metric units of human range temperatures, human weight, human height, and area.

* Remembering peoples names.

* Listening to or discussing the vivid details of physical injuries or the effects of drugs in a real time setting (I passed out every single year in health class in school, and I get woozy now and then at doctor's visits and in discussions related to personal injury cases. I look away when I'm poked with a needle to give blood or get a shot  or have an IV inserted). If I really read to know, I can read about it at my leisure, taking breaks when it gets too intense.

* Sight reading music (although I am good at recalling music if I hear it even once).

* Playing musical instruments (I was a vocalist, and dabbled in piano, bass violin, and the trombone, but didn't reach a particularly high level).

* Whiskey, bourbon, Scotch, gin and cocktails made with them.

* Cooking pastries, doughnuts, and pastry pie crusts.

* How to use an Instant pot, air fryer, deep fryer, or smoker.

* Arts and crafts, sculpting, ceramics, free hand drawing, and artistic painting (as opposed to, for example, painting walls a single solid color).

* Woodworking and carpentry.

* Poetry.

* Advanced grammar and phonetic terminology (even though I can correctly determine what is and isn't correct grammatically intuitively quite well) and understanding the international phonetic alphabet.

* Classic English literature, especially more "highbrow" works like James Joyce, Virginia Wolff, and many contemporary "serious novels" that receive high praise from critics.

* Country western music. 

* Ethiopian food (I enjoy eating it, but I don't know how to make it or even how to order it at a restaurant and know what I'm getting).

* Operating heavy machinery.

* Operating commercial or military vehicles.

* Operating motorcycles.

* Operating aircraft.

* Riding a unicycle.

* Juggling.

* The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation.

* The finer details of Islamic law.

* The main narrative outline of the Quran and the theological significance of most of its key passages.

* The main narrative outline of the Book of Mormon and the theological significance of its key passages.

* The main narrative outline of the Rig Vedas and the theological significance of its key passages.

* Computer programming with programming languages that are currently in wide use (e.g. C, C+, and Python)

* Advanced typesetting.

* Operating local area networks.

* Advanced business telephone features.

* Fashion and clothing design.

* Selecting and applying cosmetics.

* Popular culture and entertainers outside a few select genres. I have a strong aversion to sitcoms and to pro-wrestling.

* Memorizing lyrics and scripted dialog.

* Gardening.

* Advanced organic chemistry.

* Condensed matter physics.

* An ability to do original calculations with General Relativity, as opposed to having a conceptual understanding of it.

* An ability to do original calculations using quantum mechanical path integrals.

* Academic philosophy.

* The details of the workings of macroeconomic general equilibrium models.

* I am not fluent in any language other than  English, although I have formally studied French and Latin, and I have some familiarity with a smattering of words and grammatical structures in languages  including Maori, Japanese, Korean, Swedish, and Spanish through daily life and media consumption. The only writing scripts I can read other than Roman letters and numbers, and Arabic numbers, are Greek  letters. 

* Mimicking accents and dialects in English (although I am fairly good at understanding them).

* Estimating how long it will take me to do something.

* Proofreading my own written work product.

* Shifting fluidly from one activity to another on demand, as opposed to spontaneously.

*  My sense of smell isn't very discerning.

* I have trouble hearing high pitched noises, especially in the presence of background noise. If it got worse I would need hearing aids.

* Distinguishing or naming subtle differences in colors.

* Writing neatly and readably by hand, in either print or cursive.

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