
04 July 2022

January 6 Delusions

I admit that I continue to be stunned by the capacity that Republicans have for self-delusion about questions that have factual right and wrong answers.

To be clear, there is overwhelming and irrefutable evidence, rivaling the evidence, for example, that the Earth is not flat, that the January 6 attack on the capital was not due to "left wing protesters trying to make Trump look bad."

Deluded Republicans make up about one in eight voters (more than twelve million people), and plurality of the members of the their own party. January 6 deniers (including those who aren't Republicans) make up more than one in five voters (on the order of twenty million).

According to a recent Yahoo/YouGov poll, many of them [conservatives] are still quite sure that the blame for the events of January 6 lies with "left-wing protesters trying to make Trump look bad." 
. . . 

When asked who was to blame for January 6, the largest total share of Republicans — 43 percent — said it was these definitely not imaginary left-wing protesters. Comparatively, only 9 percent blamed Trump, 4 percent blamed Republican elected officials who said the election was stolen, 8 percent blamed Trump supporters who had gathered at the US capitol, 13 percent blamed right-wing groups like the Proud Boys and 19 percent said they just weren't sure.

When restricted to just those who voted for Donald Trump in 2020, that number went up to 55 percent (with 82 percent saying they were at least somewhat responsible), and it went up to 68 percent when restricted to Fox News voters.

From Wonkette

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