
27 February 2023

Americans Have Become More Pro-Choice Since Dobbs

Since the U.S. Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs decision, Americans have become more pro-choice. 

They have become more pro-choice a net basis in every political party and among those who don't identify with a political party: among Republicans (a twelve percentage point shift), among independents (a six percentage point shift), and among Democrats (an eleven percentage point shift). 

The overall shift for all Americans is fifteen percentage points (presumably because fewer people identify as Republicans).

From a PRRI report.

Geographically, there are lots of states that are pro-choice even though they lean Republican or are swing states. There are only seven states where less than 50% of people polled think that abortion should be legal in most or all cases. Two are heavily Mormon, four are in the deep South, and then there is South Dakota.

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