
21 February 2023

Not Big Enough?

NASA confirmed that a 1000-pound meteor entered the atmosphere on February 15.

According to NASA, the meteor was seen at around 5:23 p.m. near McAllen, Texas. The meteor's speed was about 27,000 miles per hour, and it had the same amount of energy as 8 tons of TNT.

Although meteorites tend to hit Earth’s atmosphere at high speeds, they slow as they travel through the atmosphere, breaking into small fragments before hitting the ground. Meteorites cool rapidly and generally are not a risk to the public.

There were no reports of injury or property damage.

From here.

Now, if the meteorite had only been say, 50,000 short tons (about half the size of an aircraft carrier), with 800 kilotons of TNT impact, maybe it could have done the damage to Texas that it deserves, without doing much harm to the rest of the world, the evil part of me muses.

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