
01 March 2023

GOP Legislator In Florida Proposes A Ban On The Democratic Party

Republicans really hate democracy and really love racism. They are a neo-fascist far right political party.
Sen. Blaise Ingoglia, a Republican state representative in Florida, proposed a bill there that would ban the Democratic Party and any others with "woke" platforms.

From the Tallahassee Democrat via BoingBoing. More from the original story:

Backed by a supermajority in the Legislature and led by a governor who restricted how racial history is taught in public schools with the declaration "Florida is where woke goes to die," the former chair of the state Republican Party filed a bill Tuesday to kill the Florida Democratic Party.

Sen. Blaise Ingoglia, R-Spring Hill, was 6 -1 in statewide races as party chair 2015-19, and now seeks to accomplish legislatively what he could not do at the ballot box – remove Democrats entirely from Florida politics.

SB 1248 never mentions the word Democrat or Democratic, but "the Ultimate Cancel Act," said Ingoglia in a prepared statement, would decertify any political party that ever included a plank to support slavery in its platform, something the Democratic Party did between 1844 - 1864.

Ingoglia said the legislation is in response to leftist activists that have called for removal of statutes and renaming of buildings because of "things" they said or did.

"Some people want to have uncomfortable conversations about certain subjects. Let's have those conversations," he said.

Is Ingoglia trolling his political opposition that was trounced in the 2022 elections? He did not immediately return a phone call seeking clarification of SB 1248, but he later confirmed the suspicions that he was using the issues of racism and slavery for a political stunt. He tweeted "Fact check: TRUE" late Tuesday when a supporter suggested he had "single-handedly trolled an entire state political party."

The modern Republican Party, of course, is the true successor to the Dixiecrats of old who for obscure historical reasons traded places politically with the Democratic party starting in the 1960s.

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