
09 June 2023

9000 Posts

I haven't done a meta post for a while, but this threshold is worth mentioning. 

This is post number 9,000 on the Wash Park Prophet blog, exclusive of its sister blogs. This blog started on July 3, 2005, so it has been going for just under eighteen years at an average pace of just over 500 posts per year. 

I have made another 2,455 posts at sister blog Dispatches From Turtle Island, which split off from this one on May 22, 2011, just over twelve years ago, for an average of a bit more than 200 posts per year.

Between the two blogs, I've made 11,455 posts over just under eighteen years for an average of about 636 posts per year.

So far this year I have averaged one post per day on this blog, and I have been posting at the same pace as last year at Dispatches From Turtle Island (i.e. a 225 post per year pace). This is a pace of about 590 posts per year. Diversion of posting to Facebook accounts and other online forums accounts for most of the slump in my blog posting here.

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