
12 July 2023

Why Don't Professionals Delegate More Chores?

There are lots of professionals who charge high hourly rates for their services, and have enough potential work to work as many hours as they are able to work.

These professionals frequently do lots of work in their personal lives that they could have hired someone else to do for much less than their hourly rates, like folding clothes or cleaning their homes or mowing their lawns.

The very, very rich sometimes do hire people to do these things, but the vast majority of people do not.

Why not?

This seems to be a case of culture prevailing over economic logic, but maybe I'm missing economic issues as well.

1 comment:

  1. Hum... I still mow my lawn (in Houston!) for two reasons. It's good exercise, and gives me a sense of ownership for how the lawn presents. I do lots of work around the house when I could be working more hours at work. Two reasons again, I'm comfortable with my financial situation and a sense of ownership again. This isn't some hotel room I'm staying in, it's my house, almost an extension of my personality. Any I enjoy doing simple construction work, like painting, drywall, plumbing, etc. It's as fulfilling as watching TV or surfing the Internet.
