
30 August 2023

Africa Has Seven Coups In Two Years, Six In The Sahel


Details at the Washington Post.

This plays out against the ongoing "Sahel War" between Islamists from historically herding societies who are being forced south as the Sahara aridifies who have come into conflict with Christians and animists from historically farming societies to the south of them. In short, it is a cluster of African wars ultimately driven by climate change.


  1. Analysis at Vox.

  2. From Vox: "Coups are a fairly rare phenomenon, as the political scientists Jonathan Powell and Clayton Thyne demonstrate through their research. In a recent Voice of America piece, Powell and Thyne’s research showed that from 1950 through January 2022, there were 486 coup attempts, 242 of which were successful.

    The regions that saw the most attempts were Africa, with 214 attempts, 106 — or just under half — of which were successful. Latin America was a close second, with 146 attempts. Of those, 70 were successful."
