
16 August 2023

Quote Of The Day

[H]e looked at me as if I had said "What is the square root of Naugahyde?"
- Dan Danbom (on Facebook on August 16, 2023). An honorable mention from the same post appears below:
the most interesting visitor to Printed Page today came all the way from Peru. It was his second time in the store. We started talking about the political situation, and he told me that now matter how turbulent ours is, it's nothing compared to most of the countries in South America. Drug lords and other criminals control governments, democracy is a battered concept, and assassination is as near as last week. He said that he came to the US in the Eighties to study. He thought the nature of American politics had deteriorated, but compared to South America? Hold my beer. I didn't know whether to conclude that we're lucky in America, or that we're becoming more like South America.

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