
12 September 2023

The State Of The Presidential Nomination Race In Iowa

A Trump v. Biden Presidential election in 2024 still seems to be the most likely outcome, but Trump's standing is growing less secure. No viable alternative to Biden has emerged, however.

A new Emerson College poll shows that Iowa Republican caucus voters have soured on Donald Trump, dropping their support by 13 points, from 62% in May to 49% last week. Their support for . . . Ron DeSantis, also dropped, from 20% to 14% in the same time period. . . .
[C]onservative entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and Sen. Tom Scott (R-S.C.) appeared to be gaining some ground, both rising 5 points. Ramaswamy increased from 2 percent to 7 percent, and Scott from 3 percent to 8 percent.

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum also saw slight raises of 2 points each. Haley went from 5 percent to 7 percent and Burgum from 1 percent to 3 percent support.

Six percent of Republican caucus voters were undecided, the poll found.
. . .

President Biden's numbers greatly dropped, from 69% to 50%, while Robert F. Kennedy Jr. fell from 11% to 9% and Marrianne Williamson tumbled from 10% to 7%.

Via Boing Boing

The percentage of undecided Democrats in Iowa has grown from 10% to 34%, leaving room for a new entrant to quickly gain support if a viable Democratic Presidential candidate other than Biden materialized.

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