
26 October 2005

Wayne Allard Isn't Loved.

Republican Wayne Allard, Colorado's senior Senator facing an election in 2008, with Congressman Udall from the 2nd Congressional District as his announced opposition, has the third lowest approval rating in the entire United States Senate according to Survey USA. About 44% approve of his performance, while 44% disapprove. Only Mark Dayton of Minnesota (44-46) and Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania (45-48) have lower net approval ratings.

Colorado's junior Senator, Democrat Ken Salazar, has a 58% approve, 34% disapprove rating, slightly better than the national average.

1 comment:

  1. just saw the results of that poll and went searching for more information - would love to know why this is the me out w/ getting info if you can - at my blog Thanks!
