
06 September 2006

Katherine Harris - American Taliban

In Florida, Katherine Harris, the former Florida Secretary of State running for U.S. Senate, infamous for her role in the 2000 Bush v. Gore election, has secured the GOP nomination. She faces incumbent Democratic Party Senator Bill Nelson, a moderate Democrat.

She is a member of the American Taliban who says things like:

If you're not electing Christians, then in essence you are going to legislate sin.

You know a candidate is doomed when an Associated Press story says things like:

She trails Nelson by more than 30 points in voter opinion polls, lags far behind him in fund-raising and came under scrutiny after receiving illegal campaign contributions from a defense contractor who admitted bribing another congressional representative.

Harris, 49, has seen a steady exodus of disgruntled campaign staffers, who described her as obsessed with unimportant details and prone to screaming tantrums. . . . The strongest enthusiasm for Harris seems to be among the bloggers and comedians who delight in ridiculing her tight clothing and flirtatious manner. . . . even 31 percent of Republicans said they disliked her in a recent Mason-Dixon poll.

The fact that Florida Republicans basically committed ritual suicide in the primary for U.S. Senate yesterday seems to show just how demoralized a party the GOP has become.


  1. dude, i met katherine harris, like twelve or thirteen years ago, when i was an administrative asst at this crappy little weekly in florida, when she was running for a state seat.

    had i any foresight, i could've given her a cold or something, or shared an inappropriate joke with her in order to slander her, in a way, if you kinda think about it, the last eight years are my fault.

  2. Come on, Andrew... photos! i love to see photos of her!! the one wonkette runs of her holding a dead possum is priceless!!
