
10 October 2007

Coalition of the Willing Update

Current Coalition Members

United States: 250,000 invasion--168,000 current (9/07)
United Kingdom: 45,000 invasion--5,250 current (10/07)
Poland: 194 invasion--2,500 peak--900 current (2/07)
Australia: 2,000 invasion--638 current (2/07)
South Korea: 3,600 peak – 1,200 current (5/07; deployed 5/03)
Romania: 730 peak – 405 current (5/07; deployed 7/03)
El Salvador: 380 peak – 300 current (8/07; deployed 08/03)
Czech Republic: 300 peak--89 current (5/07)
Azerbaijan: 250 troops (2/07)
Georgia: 2,000 troops (10/07)
Denmark: 545 peak - 55 current (9/07, deployed 04/03)
Mongolia: 180 peak--100 current (2/07; deployed 8/03)
Albania: 120 troops (2/07)
Armenia: 46 current (2/07; deployed 1/05)
Bosnia and Herzegovina: 36 troops (2/07; deployed 6/05)
Estonia: 35 current (2/07; deployed 6/05)
Macedonia: 33 troops (2/07; deployed 7/03)
Kazakhstan: 29 troops (2/07; deployed 9/03)
Moldova: 24 peak--12 current (2/07; deployed 9/03)
Bulgaria: 485 peak--155 current (2/07; deployed 5/03)

177,953 Regular Troops [Ed. 94.4% American, 3.0% British, 2.6% other]
~182,000 Private military contractors (118,000 Iraqi, 43,000 Other, 21,000 US)

Completely Withdrawn

Latvia: 136 peak--(deployed 4/04 - withdrawn 08/07)
Lithuania: 120 peak (withdrawn 08/07)
Slovakia: 110 peak (deployed 8/03 - withdrawn 01/07)
Italy: 3,200 peak (deployed 7/03 - withdrawn 11/06)
Ukraine: 1,650 troops (deployed 8/03 - withdrawn 12/05)
Netherlands: 1,345 troops (deployed 7/03 - withdrawn 3/05)
Spain: 1,300 troops (deployed 4/03 - withdrawn 4/04)
Japan: 600 troops (deployed 1/04 - withdrawn 7/06)
Thailand: 423 troops (deployed 8/03 - withdrawn 8/04)
Honduras: 368 troops (deployed 08/03 - withdrawn 5/04)
Dominican Republic: 302 troops (withdrawn 5/04)
Hungary: 300 troops (deployed 08/03 - withdrawn 3/05)
Nicaragua: 230 troops (deployed 09/03 - withdrawn 2/04)
Singapore: 192 troops (deployed 12/03 - withdrawn 3/05)
Norway: 150 troops (withdrawn 8/06)
Portugal: 128 troops (deployed 11/03 - withdrawn 2/05)
New Zealand: 61 troops (deployed 9/03 - withdrawn 9/04)
Philippines: 51 troops (deployed 7/03 - withdrawn 7/04)
Tonga: 45 troops (deployed 7/04 - withdrawn 12/04)
Iceland: 2 troops (deployed 5/03 - withdrawn date unknown)

Via Wikipedia.

The British are in the process of withdrawing half the troops described above, a step that still leaves it as the largest national contingent other than the United States. Georgia is #2 and South Korea is #3.

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