
06 February 2008

After Super Tuesday

Who many delegates does each candidate need to win:

Clinton: 1328 (48%)
Obama: 1434 (52%)
Remaining Available Delegates: 2760

Republican Presidential Nomination Race:

McCain: 669 (45%)
Romney: 968 (65%)
Huckabee: 1049 (70%)
Remaining Available Delegate: 1493

Data from here

Clearly, the Democratic race remains a horse race, while the Republican race shows McCain to be the dominant player.

1 comment:

  1. Updated delegate counts with pledged plus superdelegates and total delegates (California notably absent):

    Clinton: 632 + 193 = 825
    Obama: 626 + 106 = 732
    Edwards: 26 + 0 = 26

    This is a very close race.
