
12 March 2008

Democratic Party Presidential Race Update

Obama won Mississippi by a roughly 60-38 margin. He also won the Wyoming caucuses by a wide margin last weekend.

Pledged Delegates:
Pledged Delegates to date: 1404 Obama, 1243 Clinton.

The rest of the Democratic Party primary calendar in 2008 is as follows:

Date - Event - Pledged Delegates
4-22 Pennsylvania Primary 158 (latest poll Clinton 55-Obama 36)
5-3 Guam 4
5-6 North Carolina Primary 115 (latest poll Obama 49-Clinton 41)
5-6 Indiana 103
5-13 West Virginia 39 (Clinton favored)
5-20 Oregon Primary 52
5-20 Kentucky Primary 73
6-1 Puerto Rico Caucus 63
6-3 Montana and South Dakota 47 (combined) (Obama favored in both races)

Remaining Pledged Delegates: 654

Clinton 237
Obama 207

Remaining Superdelegates 304

Total Delegates
Obama 1611
Clinton 1480
Remaining 958

Portion of Remaining Delegates Needed To Win
Obama needs to win: 414 (43%)
Clinton needs to win: 545 (57%)

Florida and Michigan currently have no representation. This could change by negotiated agreement to be determined.

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