
30 October 2008

3400 Posts

Hurray for meaningless round numbers!

In addition, I published 292 articles for Colorado Confidential when I was writing there, and have published a few dozen diaries at Daily Kos and Colorado Pols, as well as 35 posts at Wash Park Poet, although there are some cross posts in some of these cases. It is safe to say that I have written about 3700+ posts at all locations (excluding comments) since this blog was etablished.

About 250 of these posts and articles are about taxes, after removing double counted cross posts.

The most posts in a single month came in October 2005, when I made 278 posts. The slowest full months were February 2007, with just 33 posts, and July 2005 with 24 posts (both months had just 28 days during which this blog was active). October 20, 2005 was the day with the most posts, twenty-five of them. My topics then wouldn't be out of character today:

Day Time Populations
Hopeful Hypocrisy
Meta: Blogger Functionality Rant
Target Pharmacies.
The Power of Cross Examination.
Corporate Tax Abuse.
Shame On Ken Salazar
Texas Can't Speak Plain English.
Guns and Cheeseburgers.
About Cars
Why is General Motors in Trouble?
Exorcism School.
Soj Back (Low Profile)
Quasi-Public Law Schools.
Versatile Diamonds.
Is Rail Really Too Costly For I-70?
Creative Solutions To Global Warming.
Gratuitous Shout Outs
Free Digital TV Boxes Headed Your Way
Health News
Life in Prison For Kids.
Red Hot Growth in China.
So Much for Privacy.
Earthquake Death Toll.

Have a nice day and don't forget to vote. Halloween is the last day for in person early voting in Colorado.

1 comment:

  1. Andrew,


    I can't even imagine the amount of work that goes into a blog.

    Walk down to the Kentucky Inn and buy yourself a beer.

