
23 October 2008

Child Porn Hysteria In Ohio

A 15 year old girl in Ohio is being charged as a child pornographer (a serious felony with potential sex offender for life status as well) for taking nude pictures of herself and sending them to her teenaged friends.

This is wrong in so many ways.

Notably, if she had simply had sex in person with those friends (even all at once, for that matter), there would be no crime, due to statutory rape "Romeo and Juliet" exceptions. The pictures would also not have been a crime if they had been taken by her parents.

What was the prosecutor thinking?

1 comment:

  1. Because of the values which exist, children are neither boy or girl,they are it. They are not supposed to be curious about their own genitals even of others. They are not allowed touch their own bodies. There was a time when boys were told if they masturbate they will become blind, absolute lies. These are same values, they have just been modified. Only when children cease to be children and become adults can they have sex. In other parts of the world there is tremendous ambivalence over sexual norms. Children are just sexual as adults and no witch hunt going against people who have sex with them. A girl posting her picture on the Internet becoming a crime and being prosecuted, is simply stupid. Girls as young as nine get married, 15 is fairly old.
