
14 November 2008

FAC Webcomics

Here are a few comics worth reading on the web:

Tozo Public Servant: a detective thriller amidst political intrigue in a steam punk setting. The full color art is a bit like Babar.

Paradigm Shift: a fast paced Chicago action-detective story with were-tigers and Chinese gangs that run guns, portrayed in realistic line art.

Alpha Shade: a WWI type war in a steam punk world, talking psychic cats, inter dimensional political drama, and deep social class conflicts, portrayed in a beautiful, full color, realistic painting style.

Red River: a vivacious, virtuous Japanese middle school girl is sucked by magic into ancient Turkey where a prince claims her as his concubine to protect her from an evil queen, drawn in typical Japanese manga style.

Elle, and all the others: an NC-17 rated tale of an ordinary man seduced with the aide of magic by a mysterious elf girl in crude color cartoons.

If your a movie fan instead, take a gander at the projection booth which has some nice coverage of the Denver Film Festival which is now in progress in our fine city (I'd like to see some of their headline productions at the Ellie, but $30 bucks a ticket is a bit rich for me for a movie of any kind).

On the other hand, if you are a short story fan, consider, A Dozen on Denver, a Rocky Mountain News feature with twelve new short stories highlighting Denver's first 150 years.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the info! I have fav'd your site on Technorati and added your link to my fav's on my site at If you can do the same, it would be awesome! You have great info on your site!
